Rocío Ines Marsyas creates focused, articulate metal sculptures and functional jewelry objects that have an entire life of their own. 

A solid 24-karat gold bat based on a still life pencil drawing the artist made in El Salvador in 2005. A friend gifted Rocío a tiny, juvenile dead bat that perished in the fumigation of an art center meant only to kill insect vermin. Rocío sat down to draw her subject, and in the 30 minutes it took her to draw it, she noticed it perceptibly changing. Its delicate membrane wings shriveled, causing the small beast to reposition itself slightly through the process of decomposition. This is the artist’s first foray into an extended investigation and execution of a solid pure gold object combining multiple ancient techniques including: repoussé/hand chasing, gold fusion without the use of solder and lost wax casting.

Rocío Ines Marsyas (Studio: New York)

©Rocío Inès Marsyas, ‘Delicate Nature’ VI exhibition Fall 2022, New York Photo ©Trinity Lacayo

‘A Kunstkammer Of Continuity’, 2022

"I make objects that exhibit elements of the uncanny. Despite rationalist judgement one can recognize magic when one sees it and I like to tease out its secrets in my work by paying close attention to form and deepening my investigations of materiality.…….

……...My most recent solid 24K gold masks are conceptualized with the intent for a viewer and custodian to understand some of the spectacular qualities inherent to 24k gold and subsequently gain insights into funerary objects throughout antiquity crafted from it.” (Rosario Ines Marsyas)

‘A Kunstkammer Of Continuity’, 2022, ©Rocío Inès Marsyas, on display at 'Thoughts on Albert Camus' VI exhibition, New York 2022, Photo ©Trinity Lacayo

During the creation